Although ‘Good Friday’ is
not generally a National holiday here in St Malo everyone is certainly gearing
up for the long Easter weekend – the start of the season.
Hotels, restaurants, cafes
and shops are preparing themselves for what will hopefully be the busiest
weekend of the year so far and the street terraces, removed for winter, are
back in place. The Mairie and his team have done us proud with jetwashed
streets and pavements and the freshly planted displays of spring flowers that
seem to be just everywhere.
This is an important weekend
for the town -and having visited most of the hotels this week delivering stocks
of brochures for Brittany Gems, expectations are high. If the number of GB plate cars arriving on the
ferry this morning is anything to go by business should be booming!
There will of course be
plenty of time for relaxation and socialising though, both national pastimes
enjoyed by everyone including the pets owned by many of the ‘commercants’ of
the town.
Meet Yuton, one of the most
handsome (don’t tell Alfie) and placid dogs that we know, regularly known to
enjoy his ‘vie de repos’ after a strenuous day of being a dog at his owners
bar and hotel ‘L’Atalys’ on the appropriately named ‘rue de Pie qui Boites’ – street of the drinking magpie!

Happy Easter to everyone – enjoy the longweekend and take the opportunity for a little ‘vie de repos’
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